I'm a grumpy old woman who likes to read

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


It's the middle of the night, literally, and I'm wide awake because I just found out there is a leak somewhere in the watermains and we hardly have any water. Twitter always seems to be a bit of a godsend in these kind of situations, because it always helps when I see someone tweeting about it and telling me that he/she has already called the police and they are working on it. Still, I don't feel good about it. Of course, I was lucky, because I'd just had a shower when it all happened and there's still enough water in the cat's waterbowls to get through the next 24 hours, by which time I will have gone to the supermarket to get some bottles of mineral water. The worst thing really is not being able to flush the toilet properly and starting to pour mineral water down the toilet would be a bit over the top really.

So, here I am, it's 2:32am and I'm sitting here, worrying. As you know, I'm a big, big worrier. I just can't help it. The cat is sleeping, totally oblivious and I wish I could be a bit like him. I had actually looked forward to going to bed, clean house, clean sheets, clean me and a holiday tomorrow, but no, it's not going to work like that anytime soon tonight ....

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