I'm a grumpy old woman who likes to read

Sunday, September 10, 2006

When I first started this blog, I was convinced I would write regularly. Since then my mum has died and I have not even thought about it. So, here I am again. It's Sunday afternoon and I have just been trying to get a ticket for the Moody Blues concert in October, but the site did not work. That is, I got an error message.
Over the summer I have done quite a bit of reading, not all very good books I am ashamed to say. But there were a few good ones, like Middlemarch by George Eliot and I have nearly finished Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy.
School has started again and I am pleased to say that I have some very nice pupils (except for a few very nasty ones, but I am determined not to let them spoil things for me and the other children).
England was very hot this summer when I was staying there. At one time we even had to suffer 35 degrees Centigrade in the shadow, and I really do not like that. It is hot today as well.
A colleague of mine owns a holiday home on the Veluwe, here in Holland. Perhaps I can stay there for a few days in the autumn holidays. Would be nice.