I'm a grumpy old woman who likes to read

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Today I read through quite a few blogs of people who have the same interests as I do. It's amazing to see how many people start with one or two entries and then are never heard of again. Tried to read a bit yesterday but fell asleep while watching a stupid soap. Woke up at three this morning feeling afwul!! My mum is in hospital with a fractured hip and I am obviously very worried. I leave home at 7.15 every morning to go to work (I am an English teacher in a secondary school), often we have after-school meetings and then I visit mum at the hospital. I came home at 9 last night, which is a bit too late for me. Anyway, I hope things will be a bit better today.

As you can imagine, I don't have much time to read at the moment and I really hate that. And when I do find the time I have trouble concentrating. Well anyway, my plans for today are: read the next chapter of Middlemarch, read the next chapter of Ackroyd's Dickens and finish The Chimes. If I can manage a few hours tonight, that should not be too difficult. And if you are wondering where I find the time to make this entry, I am teaching at the moment, but I only have eleven pupils who are training for their written examination in May, so they really don't need me now. They should be able to do things all by themselves at this stage!?

I really wish I were on holiday in England right now. This pic shows the Vale of Pewsey in Wiltshire, one of my favourite places. I took this last summer and as you can see, the weather was marvelous. Lots of people in Holland say that you shouldn't go to England, because it always rains there, and I hope they will go on thinking that, because then it will stay nice and quiet there.

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