I'm a grumpy old woman who likes to read

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer Holidays 2010 6: Tourists at Avebury and Stonehenge

I confess I’m a tourist myself and I like doing touristy things, like visiting musea, stately homes, small towns and villages, churches and, when in Wiltshire, places like Stonehenge and Avebury; and most touristlike at all, I like taking lots of photographs. Don’t get me wrong, I really like people, but there are times I’d just rather sit in a field and listen to the cows.

The "I'd rather wear a Speedo in Ibiza" bloke
The world is my office
Queen Mum lookalike
Serious photographer
Part-time New Agers
Thank God we can take the kids out for a day so they will be too tired to be annoying to the rest of the neighbourhood
Europe in 8 days and 800 photographs
My friends went to Ibiza and all theygot me was this lousy tattoo
Sheepz in Avebury - Ur doin it rite
Sheepz in Avebury - Ur doin it rong
Can you all see my back hair?
We have been around since the 60s and we're not about to leave ...
The Really Cultural Couple - Ur doin it rite
The Really Cultural Couple - Ur doin it rong
Why do some people look like they'd much rather be somewhere else?

The born-again Iron Age lady

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